• Traditional Thai Massage is a fully clothed experience. You should wear light and loose clothing, preferably natural materials like cotton. Workout pants and a t-shirt are usually the right thing to use. Pyjamas also work.

    Try to avoid belts, buckles, zips, and please remove jewellery.

  • Let's not lie. Rehabilitation massage is pampering therapy. A generic maintenance massage where the systems and structures are healthy can manifest a type of pain that people commonly identify as “pain that feels good”. A session whose objective is the recovery of muscle function and range of motion implies more incisive techniques and approaches. In these circumstances the massage will produce discomfort and some pain that will obviously be negotiated with the client. If it is true that not all pain is therapeutic, it is also true that some therapy causes pain.

  • It may take 1-2 days to recover from your session.

    Every body reacts differently to this style of work. And depending on how deep you want to work you may experience different reactions.

    Most people feel lighter, more flexible, relaxed and energized. Others may feel some soreness in their muscles for about 24-48 hours.

    At times you may feel tingling in a finger or hand. This is just energy still moving within you that was released during your session. These feelings usually dissipate after a day or two.

    After about 48 hours you should be able to fully feel the full benefits of your session. I encourage my clients to give me feedback about how they feel after and during a session. This can help me fine tune how I work with you in future sessions.


  • You may not wish to schedule anything after your session as you may feel very different in your body. It is especially important to not engage in any form of physical exercise after the session and not lift any heavy weights or move your body too quickly or erratically. Be kind to yourself. After a deep session, your body will open up and could be more prone to injuries for a day to two.

    Please also avoid cold for three hours after your session. This includes drinking cold water, eating cold food and taking a cold shower.

    Your body needs time to adjust to the bodywork and muscles need time to recuperate. After each session it is important to drink lots of water and allow your body rest for at least 24 hours.

    If you are feeling sore, a warm bath or hot tub can help as it further relaxes the muscles and promotes longer-lasting effects.

  • It is an issue that can only be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the etiology of the problem and its evolution. However, it’s important to understand that it’s not reasonable to expect to undo decades of damage in just a few weeks. I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to healing, because we’re all unique individuals with different histories, abilities, lifestyles, and needs. This means the healing process will be as unique as you like to allow it to unfold naturally as your body permits.

  • Please try not to eat any heavy meals at least 2 hours before a session.

  • Yes you can with some adjustments and precautions.

    Please inform me about your pregnancy when you book a session.

    Studies have shown that general massage therapy carried out during pregnancy can help to reduce stress, alleviate depression, relieve general aches and pains, improve the potencial for successful delivery, and promote good health for the fetus.

    Other beneficial effects of prenatal massage include reduced back pain, improved blood circulation, headache relief and deeper sleep.

  • During the period of the war between the United States and the Vietnam, US warships used Thailand as a port of food supply and recreation for its soldiers.

    As a result, the demand for brothels grew and when the war ended Thailand continued to be a friendly stop for all those seeking sex tourism. Once the massage is deeply rooted in Thai culture, the (con)fusion between it and the sexual services became inevitable.

    This is how nowadays many people confuse traditional Thai massage with this kind of services.

    But it is also true that more and more, Thai massage awakens interest in therapists from the western world, who rescue their essence and spread the practice as it really is: an healing sacred art, and not a mere instrument of sexual satisfaction.

  • keeping your underwear garment on your bottom half is requested. Our massage therapists will give you privacy to undress, then you will be covered with a towel at all times during the treatment apart from the body area being worked on.

  • Noise pollution often adds to our daily stress and anxiety. Therefore, in order to maintain tranquillity and relaxation environment, we ask that you kindly switch off your mobile phone.